Monday, August 24, 2009

Serving sizes

This is the popular Minnesota Lions Tap burger and this kinda stuff just doesn't exist in Peru! I ordered the mediano or medium burger from Bembos (the fast food chain here that's across from the McDonald's) and the serving sizes just aren't the same. The patty was like a normal size, the fries were definitely a US small and the drink was like 12oz (definitely a small). Next time I'm going to order the grande but it's no wonder we have health problems in the US.

1 comment:

  1. San Antonio could really use a lesson in serving sizes from the Peruvians. We are definitely a big mac city. One of the kids at our inner city summer camp this year had a BMI of 39! Sad but true.
    I loved your post a few days back with the medical specialty flow chart. I'm going to share it with my class list serve.
