Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Everything comes to an end

Even good things must come to an end

The old proverb is sad but true. Today is our last day in Stockholm, Sweden. It was also my last day as an official medical student. Whoohoo! I turned in my ID badge and access card at the hospital, changed out of my scrubs and headed downtown for one last hoorah before getting on a plane for Minnesota tomorrow. It has been an amazing trip - full of delicious food, excellent museums, great sightseeing, wonderful company, and pretty good weather (except there was a spring snow/rain shower today). Last weekend we hung out with Kris and Leila and little Vilheim - they have been wonderful hosts and answered all of our stupid questions, "Why is everyone wearing sailors hats?" (Seniors in high school get "capped" with a sailor's hat - much more attractive than our silly hats - a month before the actual graduation and they wear them proudly.) or "Should we go with all our dormmates to Uppsala for Valborg?" "Heck no!" they said. "It's the center of the party (i.e. a bunch of kids getting wasted and puking on the train)." No thank you!

(Sunset over Stockholm)

This Friday, I will change my name and graduate from medical school, Dr. Catherine Pastorius Benziger. It's a busy time as we have to find an apartment in Seattle, move all our stuff, and see all our wonderful family and friends before we go but we are very excited to start a new chapter in our lives. Thanks for all your support and encouragement.

(Seth and Katie at Kris Ekelund's cabin on Furusund Island)

(Ann and Katie with the Gamla Stan "Old Town" Island in the background)

(Ann and Katie in the Saluhall in Ostermalm)

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less travelled by,
and that has made all the difference."
-Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken